Cable Shoulder Extension
Beginner - Strength - Compound

Targeted Muscle Group

Back figure highlighted in blue



Triceps figure highlighted in blue


Recommended Equipment

Machine - Strength equipment

Machine - Strength

How to do it

The Cable shoulder extension exercise helps build the lats, lower back and also works the tricep muscles.

Steps :

1.) Start off grabbing onto a wide-grip pull down bar with a wide grip so that your hands are on the portion of the bar which curves down, keeping your body up straight and abs tightly drawn in.

2.) Keeping a neutral wrist and a slight bend in your elbow, pull the bar down until it touches your upper thighs, feeling a stretch in your lats and tricep muscles. Keep the arms straight throughout.

3.) Hold this position for a count then slowly bring the bar back up to the starting position.

4.) Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.