how to start doing exercise ?
2 people like this 7 comments
fitafter45 Start small, find something you enjoy doing, stay consistent and progress from there
11 days ago
njv2 What would you like to know specifically? Please feel free to direct message me I will help you
11 days ago
AelwxKraetorDraNator One foot forward, then the other
10 days ago
LostNatureGirl First, as a runner I would say know your “why.” Why do you want to exercise? And then look for guidance on that. It’s easy to get distracted because everyone is different. Knowing your why keeps you going. Second, be true to yourself everyone is different, not just bodies, but schedules, priorities and preferences, so it’s important to figure out what works for you. Third, sometimes you have to just do your best until you figure out what does work and that will include bad and boring days. I can’t emphasize enough that consistency is key. So keep going, even when it’s boring. Things will change. Be kind to yourself. Just keep going. You will figure it out.
10 days ago
LizLifts24 Find someone’s workout that looks good and be inspired by it.
8 days ago
Shawn.Mac Push ups
7 days ago
wu1ver think you need to decide what you want to improve so you can sort out a plan, but the most important bit is to start doing something and not wait for the perfect answer/workout
6 days ago

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